Consoomer Probe - August 2024 Edition
I consoomed movie or TV then wrote about movie or TV in this page. What is to be done about it? The more entrys, the more of a tragedy of time wasted. But I guess you could say that about this whole website...

Crazy Stupid Love (2011) - August 7, 2024
This was a fun movie to watch, another nice long comedy movie of its time, lets you easily waste two hours on a weekend evening. It stars some people I like, such as Steve Carell who was in other good comedy movies such as this, like 40 year old virgin, where he practically plays the exact same character (real), or despicable me. Ryan Gosling is in this movie too, which means as a guy, I got natural urges to compare him to myself. The plot of this movie is pretty generic, but they found a way to make it exciting. Steve Carell gets cheated on in his boring marriage then meets Ryan Gosling, an And Rotate Andrew Tate type epic sigma character that sleep with women. He then helps Steve get to a stage where he can sleep with the females which is funny to watch as the major differences between these two character makes it funny. There's also a strange love triangle between Steve, his son (who has a crush on his babysitter) and his babysitter (who has a crush on Steve). It's a funny dilemma in itself that is the catalyst that brings all the other plots together. It was cool seeing the actor for the son as I recognise him from Zathura, a space jumanji movie that is not a ripoff because it was made by the same person. The son is pretty funny by being really honest for a kid, especially about how he feels about his babysitter and to the guy his mom slept with. Steve also still likes his wife so it makes him in a state of confusion and frustration throughout the movie as he is both trying to be with other women and somewhat make things work with his wife, who sucks, silly cheater. There's also this whole side plot with this random Emma Stone girl who eventually ends up with Ryan Gosling for bizarre reasons. It is then found out through the babysitter trying to find a way to sleep with Steve that all the plots are brought together and the plot twist is that the Emma Stone girl is actually Steve's daughter. That whole scene in the backyard was probably my favourite in the movie as it was such a shock that made you rethink everything about the movie's structure, that's what makes a good plot twist. So all the guys fight in the backyard and Steve's relationship it broken with his family because his daughter is dating Ryan Gosling, who he knows to be a wanderer with women and because his son knows that his crush likes his dad, which is funny in itself. With like 10 minutes left in the movie, Steve's able to bring everyone back together and it is a happy ending, being able to see eye to eye with Ryan dating his daughter. I likes alot how in the beginning of the movie, Ryan was slapping Steve as Steve was trying to be like Ryan but at the end of the movie, it is the exact opposite, Steve slapping Ryan because Ryan wants to be like Steve. It well summarizes two types of different ways men live their life.I thought this movie was pretty good and fit well in its boundaries for what it was trying to be, I would give it a 7/10. The two main characters and how they interacted with eachother is probably the best part of this movie.

Chef (2014) - August 14, 2024
chef is simply about a guy who likes to cook food, and when he is put in a situation that limits him from his creativity, he decides to take a risk and pursue his dream of owning a food truck with his son and his friend. for being an r rated movie, it is pleasantly wholesome and relazing to watch. since the movie revolves around a chef balancing his relationship with his son and food, this is one of those movies that makes you crave good food, which i believe it is trying to do. i rarely find myself desiring food that is of a high quality from something like a movie, but media like this and ratatouille did so. the movie begins with chef working at a restaurant, always working hard to prove himself and his ideas until a food critic comes and mocks his work, sending him into a craze of food creativity, creating a whole new menu. while hes doing all this, hes failing to find time with his son and his son is sad. theres this cool scene where he makes a grilled cheese for his son that made me really hungry, and this other scene where the son's tablet backround is
heavy from team fortress 2. jon favreau plays his role very well, he is adequately overweight for the role of an aspiring chef. he does not understand the internet either, which leads him to a big argument with the food critic online and when he tries his new food menu at the restaurant for the food critic again, his boss does not let him and he quits. he becomes a viral sensation because later that night, he visits the restaurant and begins yelling at the food critic like a maniac. this loses him a lot of job opportunities which lets him go on a trip with his ex-wife and son to start his food truck dream. the rest of the movie is the process of him getting his food truck from ironman, fixing it up with his son, starting up his business with his friend and his son, teaching his son to work in a kitchen like that and finding that his food truck is doing very well, ironically because of what dried up his job opportunities in the first place. they drive all the way back home and he gradually gets closer and understands his son more, this is the core of his developement, finding a compromise between the relationship with his son, and his passion of cooking food. when they make it back home and the summer is over, meaning his son has to go back to school, he then decides to have his son work with him on weekends and after school, and they can consistently spend time together. from here theres no plot twists, no moment near the end of the movie where the characters get mad at eachother then make up, no villians, he even makes up with the food critic he hated at the end because he ate at his food truck and loved it, offering the opportunity for a restaurant. i was so surprised that such a modern movie simply ended happily like that, it felt like an old movie, when movies would embrace simple storytelling. this is a good good movie, i rate 7 out of 10. i want to eat now.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) - August 24, 2024
This movie was alright enough. It was the sort of the type of modern movie you watch and then forget about not long after. It was within the Harry Potter universe, but is completely separate from that story, it feels like a fan fiction in a way but J.K. Rowling helped with it so I guess it is canonical (which is still irrelevant as it has really nothing to do with the characters of the Harry Potter books. This Newt guy travels to the US to release his big bird in Arizona ends up accidently setting a bunch of his creatures loose in New York City and befriends a former auror that works for american magical authorities as well as a clumsy muggle that acts as their witness. They go around and try to recpature all the creatures in Newt's magical suitcase as well as figure out the issue of this obscurus thing that is flying around and destroying stuff for muggles to see. It was cool to see how the magical community differs around the world, like how they are called 'nomag' instead of 'muggle'. The final battle consisted of this boy who is the obscurus and they try to befriend him but instead, the american ministry shoot a bunch of spells at him and he explodes, and Johnny Depp as Grindelwald is revealed as this other character. The scene where Jacob walks into the rain to get obliviated was pretty good, but the rest of the movie and its characters were not very memorable, just a bunch of action and explosions, I found it hard to pay attention to what was going on. The movie felt like an unnecessary expansion on a universe that they knew people were going to rush to the theatres for, very consoomy. I know it sort of adds biase and further removes me from liking movies when seeing them in this way, but it is a valid thing. Forever making sequels and prequels is not the way, its just a safe way to make money rather than to risk something. This movie was okay overall, probably give it a 5.6/10. The movie did great visually though for the time (fashion, cars and buildings) it takes place in and had some creative expansion on the Harry Potter universe but not very memorable for me.

Creation date: Augustus 2024