The Unfinished Works Of SENGUSTION.com

‘Sengustism’ Definition -
Dull and unfulfilling, uninteresting in a special kind of way that makes you question what is line between interesting and uninteresting.

As if interesting is a word that means anything. History is interesting, making cookies is interesting. Did you get anything out of that, no, there you go, click that X and be on your way or stay and bask in the ignorance and blabber that's pixels away.

What will this menial life become? An exact similarity disguised as caged fulfillment? A nomadic search for a solution with the underbelly of running away from self-inflicted problems? That's up to you to decide...

Every time I do anything, think, speak, act, I am doing nothing but feeding my own ego. Even when no one is watching, I always think that my words or actions will be praised one day

Why are we such complicated creatures, compared to even the most fiercest animals of earth, we still dominate. Why are we given such complicated brains, it’s nothing but the next piece of forever changing flesh. The other animals do not realize the suffering of their mere existence and the effect they have on the living organisms around them ripples.

We aren't special, we are not unique, we live with preset lives following preset commands. Everything important to the absolute certainty of our survival has already been discovered, over-analyzed and troubleshooted indefinitely. Our ancestors have sacrificed everything in ensuring that our lives are more easily lived than the ones before it.

Whats your excuse for making money, what do you desire that's so important. I have heard stories of people volunteering to go back to work even after retirement and money is not an issue.

There's many factors to play when making bold assumptions such as the ones I have been expressing, can you really tell who I am based on how or what I am typing? Is that all anyone is? Just anonymous voices getting dopamine boosts every time our regurgitated ideas are praised, like YouTube comment, if my actions have no affect on this giant ball of mass, do they matter? If they don’t what is lost.

When I was younger, I loved to make YouTube videos, I would spend my time brainstorming to recording to editing to upload what made me lose my passion was the lack of attention I was getting on my videos, a common theme among small youtubers. Almost a year after my channels abandonment, one of the videos went viral and I started earning money. I felt special, millions of people saw my face and gave me ad money. I don’t know what I was more happy about, the fact that my subpar work (same thing here) was getting recognized by millions of profiles around the world or how I was earning money for simply sitting home and doing nothing. After I went through this money in my once corrosive-consumerist ways, my complete passion to make video INDIVIDUALLY was lost. It is the same as Gautama’s idea of how even the idea of joy will eventually lead to suffering, then nothing. -Notice how full of myself I was back there, using Gautama Siddhartha as a way to prove the little intelligence that I have, but it was an comparison, but it was a way to use big words for no reason. We keep doing it and the cycle of narcissism infinitely repeats

What is even the point of this website, to make myself feel proud for owning a domain? Would I be writing any of this if the website wasn’t a factor, most likely no.

The idea of sentimentality has been warped to massive proportions due to consumerism.

My brother claimed he was like this at my age, questioning life, questioning everything, and all the philosophical blabbing that came with the typing I am currently doing, that makes me curious because it makes me wonder, what will my mindset be after this “phase” has past. It seems that I love talking to myself about myself because I am a ignorant, greedy and hateful. I need to insult myself so I can find a balance between mental cannibalism and mental anguish. I am not enlightened, I am bland.

If you were living as a German in Germany in the events that followed up to World War 2, the national socialist party uprising thing, people like you and me would probably be on Hitlers side and that is not our fault.

I talk about myself because I know what I am for sure, only I know what I think, I for sure know whats going on in my head, right?

Remember that no matter what you do to change your life, your worth will always stay the same physically, non-existence. Breaking down and expanding our expectations of what it means to have a life worth experiencing is not a form of improvement but adaptation. “Improving” your life endlessly gets you in the mindset that you are inherently better than others for doing or not doing certain things but you are not. The words of improving and worsening have no true meaning in many cases as they can be interpreted differently both by the speaker and the viewer. You are imperfect and always have the potential to do as much bad as good naturally. All words ever written, spoken, transmitted across the lands have no certain meaning. The man can choose in which way he wants to see the story the same way he can influence what part of a pond the stone lands in. We are useless creations of matter. Without proper food we will be weak and lack the strength to live and without proper water we will simply wither away as if we were the drops of water in a dry desert. When you integrate these ideas of our impermanence into your life you start to realize that people are constant changes of matter, who you were a year ago does not matter in the preset and who you are now does not matter either as the future is coming as unstoppable as it is. You will now manually breathe from one piece of air transformed to the next. No matter what you do, the clock is always ticking.

As the man slowly molds himself into a chair of unsettling comfort, he unwillingly basks in his own mess. He is stationary, he is dying. He knows that whatever occurs in his life, the clock continues to tick. He has no place, no home. Nothing is but another quarry of temporary happiness and attachment to pass time. Everyone is a harbourer of bad habits and thoughts, constantly weighing down their truly unspecified qualities, these things are a cause of the surrounding environment they were born in. Another uniquely made tiny gear contributing to the massive assortment of strings and springs that make a large group of people. Determination is not given to us at birth but forced down our throats and pointed in the wrong direction. This is not our fault nor our descendants faults. Sentient beings will continue to unwillingly commit the same mistakes continuously. Past, present, future. You could develop an pain killer addiction, creating a new problem to pursue and bypass, embrace your opportunity for struggle, show self control, or you could keep your head down, monotonous without struggle of life. It is crucial to understand that mistakes have to be made for life to go on, we are a perfect example of said mistakes. We will end up in the same path as everyone else, never truly being anyone important while the people who have brought humans all the way up to this point, pondered and invented, sacrificed and fought, buckled and survived, we get none of this. This is what being locked and limited is. The borders surrounding our unique lives of bland repetitive predetermined tasks are invisible. We all walk on the sidewalk. The question we should begin asking ourselves is: How can we break the orbit, how can we revolutionize the revolutionized? This may seem ignorant but is crucial to humanities continuance, past, present, future. What is the key? It is only going to get “worse” before it gets “better”.

It all started after World War II with the baby boomers. This generation is easily one of the most hated due to their habits and lifestyle they normalized in North America. Starting in the 50s and spreading like wildfire, obsessive trends of consumerism and a sort of preset life that seems to be the norm for most people now. The type of life at its most basic form comes down to this, getting a repetitive job (9 – 5), starting a family, collecting all these loans and morgages on a house or property, a nice brand name car, etc., practicing a sort of obsessive consumerism where they made money for the reason of spending it on luxuries and then all this to settle down. Obviously not everybody lives that life but a large majority of people do end up living aspects of that life as technology and social interpretations developed over the years leading up to the distasteful life that we all live now.

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