 aUgust 2024

September 9, 2024
Today I slept wrong, for the second day in a row, my neck hurt but I got out of bed and ate breakfast. Everyday for breakfast I have a third of a cup of oats, a third of a cup of milk and either honey, peanut butter or another sweetener, all mixed together in a little container the night before. Overnight, the oats will absorb the milk and the sweetener, making so I do not have to heat up and prepare oatmeal the next morning. As of now and generally with people my age, when I awaken from slumber, it is usually a pretty rushed morning with not much free time before I have to leave for school or work. Oatmeal is also quite filling and pretty cheap, which is another major reason for doing this. In my rushed morning, I got out the door by like 7:10 to drive half an hour for my classes at 8:00. The road I drive had construction that I thought would have been done by this morning (as it looked completed) but I guess they had more stuff to do to it. Its winter half the year where I live, meaning that all the street construction they have to do is jammed into half the year. I had to drive around this construction as the road was not closed, but they had one lane where they would interval cars but that was taking too long. After finding my way, I was worried I was going to be late but I made it with like 5-10 minutes to spare. I am in school right now, learning about plumbing mechanics so today, our second shop class ever, we just learned how to use tools the whole time which was pretty helpful, its nice to have a standard set for things I already might know, as it might teach me something new about how to use a tool. I used some cool new tools as well, like a hole hawg and a copper pipe cutter. I sort of chose plumbing blindly and was worried that I might not like it based on this schooling, but I only find myself liking it more. We also used a crimp thing for PEX piping, which was pretty simple and fun. Following that class, we all just sort of sat around for half an hour, waiting for our next class, plumbing theory.
That class was pretty fun, my teacher explained how wide of a trade plumbing covers, as well as some of the history of plumbing, like in London during the 1800s when it was all really stinky. Things are very tame, being the second week of school, I want more productive stuff to work on so I waste less of my free time.
After that I drove home and decided to be patient and just sit through that construction traffic. Sitting in traffic, you feel so lowly in society, you feel like a waste. I could have just gone around but some sheepish part of me decided to just sit and wait in the traffic. I got home and now I am typing this.
September 16, 2024
A nice monday today, woke up and had classes at 8 again and put some of what i learned to the test, building a black iron and pex contraption in a group. following that i ate a nice sandwich and had theory class which was okay, nothing special. i now have 4 hours to spare, waiting around in the library for my next class, gas tech. i can appreciate that i have build a hobby that i can work on if i just have a laptop or anything to write with, my website. for that reason i have to pack two meals, lunch and dinner, so i have been carrying around a cooler all day and getting funny looks because of it (it doesn't fit in my locker, i need a bigger locker). because of my hobby, i can sit in a cubby in the back corner of the library, listening to elder scroll relaxing music or something that makes good backround music such as that and just type away about anything, including typing about doing that (as i am doing now). sabbath was nice yesterday, the church community is very great, i get so inspired seeing their homes sometimes as we go to peoples places for lunch sometimes. its awesome seeing a living room without a tv and for entertainment, simply read and talk to eachother. if you do want to watch tv, you could have a separate room for it, but get a relatively small tv, one that does not encourage you to sit in front of it all day. another idea i had just now, would be to incorporate the setup of a home pc with the monitor being a tv screen. i have done this before in my room years ago so i could have an epic awesome screen for gaming and something to watch movies on. it would be the same as having a dual monitor, as you could split your screen and be able to see things alright! putting thought and effort in how you design your house can save or lose you and your family's time in massive amounts over the years. by not having a tv in your living room, you would spend your time towards much better things. what is very important in my life is this the less time i spend consooming and the more time i spend creating things, spending time with people and learning new things (not through consooming) the better. time with other people is crucial in this life. i have been trying to eat less of foods that contain sketchy ingredients such as vegetable oil, canola oil, or any of the other fake stuff they put in what we eat. it has been very difficult to do that because most of what we eat now is another for our hormones to be altered and our systems inflammed. everything has these bad oils, i want to eat crackers or peanut butter or other stuff and theres always these things on the back. i can really appreciate foods that i hated as a kid more now for how natural they are, such as plain, unseasoned popcorn, beans, pasta, oatmeal, spinach and more. the other modern stuff will weaken you. low income families will resort to margarine, vegetable oil and cheap processed snacks to feed themselves and this will only keep them down. this is one of the many ways the powerful control the weak. they want you to eat fake food in your tiny house with no real possession, captured by stimulating ai generated content all day long, this is our future and their dream.

cReaTion dAte: September 2024