-Cyber Trapped-

A big reason people are less tolerant of eachother, are more divided than ever, have the biggest difficulty communicating their thoughts and all these mental issues we see so commonly are possibly because of the technological, spiritual and logical barriers we have placed between us. People don't like to meet eachother, or talk to eachother, or figure out what were all about, we are programmed to keep quiet and only have small and superificial conversation only when it is absolutely necessary. Going to less developed places like mexico, I have seen so much joy in the people, such an outgoing and optimistic attitude, there is more communication there. The smartphone and the internet have definitely contributed to this social division on a worldwide scale. Everytime there is a silent gap in the conversation, or a liminal transition from one moment to the next, we have such an urge to pull out our phones to put relief and blind us to the fact that we have the responsibilities as humans to endure one another.

What has also occured is our lack of ability to get in touch with reality and have self awareness for our lively experience as humans. Any moment where our brains may have been left to simply wander has been replaced by the constant gravitation towards a device and with it, an internet connection. The people can control and fabricate an environment of ignorant validation on the internet. I talk about this idea of
cyber-trapping in a murky recollection, why we can see such an insane of ignorant isolation of thoughts and ideas so commonly on the internet, even I participate in this. It is so easy for someone to be locked in these cyber traps and hard for one to naturally get out. You have a teenager who knows they spend way too much time on their phone, yet there is much pressure resting on the fact that they do have a phone, for their social life, school, etc. so they simply do not get rid of it and remain in the cyber trap. People stereotype any critique against this cyber obsessive lifestyle by comparing you to a 'boomer' or a primitive caveman of some type. I apologize if I come off as insulting, but I personally cannot find any reason to promote this lifestyle, even in moderation (when compared to a life simply without it).Is there any positive effect to our individual lives involving the existence of any major website on the internet such as Youtube, TikTok, Reddit, 4chan, Netflix, etc.? These companies love to eat up all your time.

Remember being a little child and fixating on something so little for longer than you could imagine doing now? Imagine a child, doing something as simple as playing with toys, looking through a book, exploring and in an instant is now substituting all those activities for consooming content. The experience that has been taken away has been so saddening to see. I know that I could have spend so much more of my childhood outside rather than either watching television, going on the internet or playing video games. Our boredom fuelled our creativity and imagination, imagine a saturday afternoon without a computer, a phone, a television. How would we spend it? What hobbies would we force ourselves to do? Imagine all of the creation that is being prevented by our willingness to dive into any device available. I once saw a baby sitting on a mothers lap, one hand securing the tiny baby on her lap, the other hand so casually holding a phone playing cocomelon or another form of fast paced youtube content while the mom was simply going about her business, the baby in a trance. It reminds me of the scene in WALL-E where there is no parenting, all of the fat little babies are brought up by robots (this is the first step...).

Why try to mother when you can put a screen in front of your baby everytime he begins to pout just a little itty bit? This is very scary indeed. I extend my sorrowful pity to any following generations, at least my generation had its beginnings in a life predating the smartphone (just barely!).

I have wasted thousands of hours playing video games, watching youtube,consooming, and have nothing to show for it. In my earlier years, I made the smart decision to rid myself of all social media platforms, for all the reasons that social media is bad of course, and with the new free time, it forced me to find hobbies, such as writing. You can never fully escape from these content traps, we all fall into them from time to time, I have been pretty bad with that lately, but I am coming out of it. Since it is very impractical to live life at all without a smartphone (doing almost anything requires a smartphone), people are forced to have it and again, it is a convienient opportunity to fall into the cyber traps set, torpidual decay...

I remember one summer when I was growing up, I had made a new group of friends that would occasionally invite me out on bike rides, one day they came to my door and I was having a lot of fun being in my room, lonesome, playing video games. I said no to them, they came again another time and I said no again, making excuses. After that I cannot remember going on bike rides with that group that could have potentially became long-term friends. I think about this a lot, these destructive actions, these things that are tainted by our sinful hearts, the blame lies only in ourselves and with that, we must live our lives giving constant warning to those who still have to make those memories. We have found many ways to escape, therefore, we must push ourselves harder than before. I never want my children to be cyber trapped. Just imagine the life without it.

We find content that makes us feel happy, content that makes us laugh, content that makes us sad, content that makes us angry, content that makes us feel intimate, content that feeds our sinful nature. Any emotion you feel can be validated through the world of things available to consoom on the internet. I do not mean to make everything about how the internet is bad and how phone is bad but these are some of the most influential inventions of the past few centuries and have completely revolutionized every aspect of our life, it should be talked about, it should not be ignored due to how normal it is, that is nonsense.

Instead of making friends with the people around us, forming a bond with our families, we look down and pull out our phones, to escape from the natural turbulences of life, the life experiences that are essential to maturity and integrity of character (anxiety). Why is there so much mental suffering in our days, we could find a reason in everything mentioned above. Being able to find constant validation, to escape, to have any information you want at any time, to feel any emotion you want, the opportunity is there, and if theres anything we know about us, we always consider the worst options based on our ignorant prioritization of shor-term desires. Stop being distracted, let your brain think for itself, get a hobby, stop consooming, do not give in to the cyber traps, we can be better than that at least.

September 26th, 2024 - our distractions from the essential experiences of life ignites our individual fragility, which evolves into a nation wide fragility, vulnerability and eventual decay...