'tis the internet'

the internet is quite possibly the peak of humanity's information transportation. through it we have been able to send and receive insane amounts of information at any given time. in the beginning of the internet, we see something that is unrecognizable compared to the internet we see today (mainly in terms of individuality, community and a spectrum of exploration). in the past, it actually required some sort of restraint and bravery to be a part of it. it was sort of a wild west of unmoderated freedom. we would truly surf the internet, visit all sorts of strange websites from random people who went out of their way to send their message to anyone on the internet who wishes to see it. people were not so inclined to the fast paced forms of entertainment that is dominating all forms of media in modern times. we could take the time to absorb an entire webpage, image, picture. we could hear a wider universe of opinions, from the most pure and innocent to the most offensive and degenerate. its not that these things are not existing now, it is that it is not encouraged, harder to find, and these true parts that made the internet unique have been dumbed down to corporate tyranny from a few multi billion dollar corporations, controlled by stock holders that coincidentally have aligned political interests.

we see a slow shift in design across the late 2000s to the mid 2010s in web design, from more dramatic displays of the user to a more minimalistic and bland profile, essentially making everyone on these gargantuan websites seem like the same person. distant, familiar. its like as if an infection of corporate uniformity has ridden across the internet. look at how MySpace or tumblr would display its users compared to modern spherical
corporate memphis forced into our every directory. the reason the internet gained so much of its initial charm was through its reputation of a lack of uniform, where you can see stupid memes or opinions, where people show the side of themselves that they would never express in real life. people escape through the internet to see the chaotic and hidden side of people around the world. if you look at people who created content on the internet, they could be regarded as the purest form of creative producers that ever was on the internet, they did not see this as something that would make them any sort of profit, as people do now as their motivation, but did it to contribute to the general flowing and overwhelming content that is available. this is an example of the change of heart in the average volition of an internet user because of silly big companies. even i have urges to think that this website might make me money one day, but those are bad thoughts that turn this from my pure creation that enriches itself in the reason it exists to something to make a profit from, a job.

as advertisement and other forms of money making combined with a more common use of the internet through the rise of smart devices (smartphones, smart TVs), corporations began to flood the cyberspaces, turning the internet into an oversaturated and dull set of a few lousy websites, each with their own toxic qualities. The truth is that there is less self expression, less appreciation and less diversity on the internet than ever. the genius behind the designs of these websites have somehow turned these spaces from a way of social connection to social isolation. the mere presence of these websites on our phones or computers warrants a bad taste in our mouth, a guarantee of a habit forming that will let us blindly embrace lazyness, even if we are self aware of it. the internet is mainstream now, the younger generations exist in a state of being chronically online, constantly sucked into the algorithms of these giant companies that profit off their limited time. a further disconnect to what the internet was initially about is being seen. the main point is that only using a select few of the biggest websites is not the intention of how to use the internet. A bigger effort must be made to increase the variety of websites people visit, to not rely so much on major corporations to browse the internet for us.

be like Luke Smith says and own internet land, get a domain and create a cyberspace of your own accord, with the knowledge that you have complete control over your website. Learn basic HTML and CSS to create your own customized space. write about whatever you would like, things you would never dare express to anyone you know, things you might be embarrassed about that you are passionate about at the same time. Create a realm in which people can fulfill their curiousity through, it is a very nice feeling finding an obscure website and seeing all the little directories within that site, a lot of things to pique your interest. i am a pretty lazy website designer, and usually search up code and paste it, its pretty easy to create a functional page but anything beyond that is too much for me. if you are the type of person that enjoys coding, then having a website with your own content will come with even more ease and enjoyment. what inspires me the most about doing this is that someone from anywhere on earth can randomly stumble across my website and hopefully get something out of it, and i hope and wish to put myself in that scenario too.

we can find some really disgusting garbage on the internet, but that is another thing that comes with freedom, and it is beautiful in a way that we have the opportunity to see that stuff if we want to (we don't want to). the internet, in an optimistic light, shows the aphex of human expression, complete freedom to traverse across an infinite spectrum of expression and to contribute to as well. the internet shall be glorified strictly in the freedom it offers to us and as with anything, should be limited (this is crucial). never complain of what you see on the internet, you can't enforce uniformity on the internet, where the lack of it was more pure to us than anywhere or anytime else in human history. if someone proclaims something offensive that you disagree with, something that is generally seen as immoral or depraved, do not ban them. this is not the mature solution as it promotes the idea of only sticking to the big websites, never being challenged with your opinions and never leaving these websites. people will have a view, and according to the manchildlike philosophy of these corporations, they want people to be babied on the internet and never have that opinion challenged. i find that a contributing factor to the heightened division between regular people nowadays is the web design that limits people to only consume things that have their own beliefs. embracing your own opinions and staying in the recommended cycle of similar content on these websites is very unhealthy as again, you are never forced to be challenged, which was more commonplace in the diversity of cyber spaces in the past long gone, and even more before these trapping cyber spaes to begin with. do not ban them, continue to speak what you wish, talk to them, embrace the fact that you can say whatever you believe to them, and since the people that are saying such prohibited things usually fall within the minority of people overall, you will find that the depraved will be hard to spot in the cyber crowd of regular people like you and me that have regular things to say. do not send the depraved in the shadows, as you will only force them to roll around in their own extreme beliefs, keeping them the same and importantly, not challenged. is that the way to do things? the more you turn the internet into a ideologically segregated place, the more you isolate people in the unhealthiness of the internet, the more people have greed for that escape. whenever i see people complaining about the little guys on the internet, its userbase, i always think 'tis the internet'. people have an outlet to express themselves in whatever way they wish with virtually no consequence, what did you expect my friend? table manners?

do not even get me started on pornography, possible one of the most effective ways of socially engineering a society into its own degredation and destruction. the internet convinces (mainly) young men that it is easier to lust over any girl they please on the internet than to go and actually get a girlfriend. there is an insanely high amount of people addicted to pornography that do not realise so, as it is the most accessable drug humanity has ever made. no money required, you do not even have to leave your home. when men try to actually live without this pornography, they see their addiction and their pathetic lustful tendencies come out. the thing about these addiction as well is that they tend to become desperate for more extreme pornography, and the internet is a never ending rabbit hole of more and more disgusting pornography. do not watch porn, ever, it is immoral and is limiting your livelihood. if you have any respect for yourself, cut it out of your life completely. if it means intense sacrifices in other areas of your life, so be it, i will write more about this topic another time.

"And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire." (Mark 9:43)

i cannot even relate to growing up on the very early internet, i only began using it around probably 2012, when everything bad that i have mentioned started to happen. it seems as the smartphone became more popular, the internet economy and use skyrocketed worldwide, and when there is money to be made, companies will do whatever it takes to pillage and reduce the internet down to their own controlled little control tool. the more we began to depend on the internet, the more we see its negative qualities come out. when i was younger, i saw the glimpses of an early internet, where you did not care and had fun, where you could laugh at the dumbest things possible. now it feels like my go-to options for the average internet user are only things that waste their time and leave them addicted to the great eater of spirits, the algorithms of mega cyber corporations. to proper enjoy the internet, you have to use qualities that regular internet usage weakens, such as patience. take the time to surf for the little guys, instead of resorting to the corporation, we are better than that. read every little sentence, absorb every picture, click every link. take the time to enjoy such a luxury. the internet has always had so much wrong to go with it, but if we can learn a balanced usage and an appreciation for less, it can be much better. i could go so much more in depth about many of the topics surrounding the internet and how it has changed people, but i will do that at a later time, individually writing about each respective topic. i know i sound like a communist talking so badly about corporations, but no, just see how greed and power can change so much in such a short amount of time. if course we are at fault to for being so dull, but i am trying to attack the disease, not the symptoms.

August 21, 2024 - imagine if you cut everyones water and internet supply in an instant, which one would they take notice of first?